
Friday, 25 September 2020

Te Horetas Nail

 A few weeks ago in literacy , we worked on a task called "Te Horeta's Nail". This task was a bit too easy but it was fun !, I hope you enjoyed my post today.

Writing ( Porquios )

This week for literacy we have been working on pourquois stories, For the Pourquoi  stories we had to choose and animal we were going to write about ( why does ___ exist ), Hope you enjoy 

Taha tinana

Task description: Kia ora today I had to take a photo of me doing the new zealand sign in sign language, I hope you enjoy  

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Te Reo Maori task

Today for Te Reo Maori, We did a Maori, task this task relates to saying everything in Maori, Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

IKAN 2 Test

Today room 3 had a maths test, Room 3 maths class did this test because our teacher wanted to see what kind of maths goals we're.  


Monday, 21 September 2020

Sign language


Kia ora today is the start of Sign language week, sign language isn't just for deaf people Sign language is for everyone