
Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Real or fake ?

This Term room 3 was looking to see what are Real and what are fake, The things I do to figure out if anything of Social Media is Real, like Tik-Tok Instagram , Facebook and other social media platform, I do heaps of research .

Before believing things off Social Media, always do some research before trying it to see if its Fake or not . 

Monday, 22 November 2021

Inferring with Poetry

Today for Literacy room 3 decided to be rooms 3s literacy class, We've been learning a lot of different things, We had a task to do for our Poetry. Here are some things we learnt from Poetry. In Poetry some people don't use sentences they use Stanzas. 

Friday, 12 November 2021

Electives with Tiktok Tipene !

 Screen Shot 2021-11-12 at 11.28.24 AM.png

Today for Electives, We did a dance to a song named lady love . Here is a screen shot of us dancing, I hope you Enjoy !

Thursday, 11 November 2021

E Haera ana ke ki hea - Te reo Maori

E Haera ana koe ki hea  , today the year 8s in my tech group had a Te Reo Maori class meet to join. We had talked about all the different Maori names for flags from around the world , We had to put the words into the spot we think it goes . 

Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Online Burger Maker - Tech class !


Task Description : Today for Year 8 Tech we watched Our friend Yolanda Make some Crepes ,  We encouraged her and cheered her on as she was making the crepes for her and her mother . After that Our Tech Teacher gave us a game to play it was Called Burger maker heres my score , Me and my Friend Lani got the same score !! .

Monday, 8 November 2021

Sentence Structure !!

WALT :  I am learning to construct sentences that make sense, using appropriate vocabulary, language features, and punctuation.

Friday, 5 November 2021

Electives With TikTok Tipene

Task description : Today for bubble school and People working from home had to pick what we wanted to do for electives , I chose to be with Tiktok Tipene to learn a tiktok dance , The song we chose to dance to was Banana boat by Day-O , It was fun to learn a TikTok dance with some of the people from my school 


Thursday, 4 November 2021

Nga Tikanga O te Marae

Nga Tikanga O te Marae , today the year 8s had a Te Reo Maori online class meet to join. We had talked about all the different things like the Maori protocols , We had to put the words into the spot we think it goes . 

Wednesday, 3 November 2021


Today in level 3 I decided that I wanted to go and join Bubble School. 

At 11:00 we had to join a google meet it was for / called Hauora we had different types of logos and icons to identify , There was only questions for the girls because the boys and girls were separate , The first person to get it right gets points for their class . It was a tie against Nina Angelica and Lani .  

 Here are some logos that we had to identify .

Snap chat , Tiktok , Instagram ,Twitter , Facebook , Google Chrome 

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Ancient Olympics


WALT : Team 5 is doing rotations and each class goes to another class , Today room 3 went to room 1 and room 1 is all about  ancient olympics . 

Thursday, 8 July 2021

Time problems !

Greetings to you all ! , this week as the last week of term 2 i am finishing off my work , But this work is from this weeks site work . This maths work was a bit confusing but i got it finish at the end . It was fun learning about the time , And what the time is in other countries , Thank you for viewing my blog !  

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Introduction to Time !!


Task Description: Greetings! today for my maths work rm 3 class did a presentation about introduction to time , This presentation was a bit easy because i know heaps about time and 24 hour time . Thank you for viewing my blog !

Monday, 14 June 2021

Novel study with my buddies

Today me and my buddies Worked on this Novel study in literacy class , We had Respond to the tasks on the slide show . I hope you enjoy 

Friday, 11 June 2021

Reading task !

This week for literacy I had to do this slideshow , On each slide show there is tasks to complete . I completed each task with my friend . I hope you enjoy this blog post . 

Story reflection !

Task description : Today i had to do this story reflection it was easy because i already read the story . The story was fun to read .   

Facts about the reader !


Today for my reading group me and my friends had to do some facts about the reader about what we were reading about . It was east because there was some facts about the reader on the book . 

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Reading task !

Today in literacy I done this reading task i had to pick a slide and then work on it , It was a fun task to do in literacy . I hope you enjoy ! 

Friday, 4 June 2021

Fiafia reflections / key words

Today i had to do a reflection about our fiafia night we had at Pt England School . It was a fun little reflection that i had to do . I hope you enjoy my little reflection that I did . 

Monday, 31 May 2021

Story Reflection poster !


Today in literacy class we had to read are book and then do a story reflection , The book i was reading was Celebrating Puanga at Ramanui i loved how there was a good explanation about what they were doing and why they were doing it . I hope you enjoy my Story reflection poster .  

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Key words !

Today me and my friends had to explain camp by only using key words, Me, Luisa, and my friend Jasmine mad the little poster explaining camp but only using keywords.

Tuesday, 18 May 2021



Today me and my maths class had to do this maths work on paper, it was fun learning on paper. Learning on paper is good for us because we use chrome book now a days and we need breaks from our chrome books, I think that it was good for us to work on paper for a bit.  

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

My Saturn poster


Today in literacy class my reading group Mewburn had to make a poser about Saturn, It was easy because some of these facts that I wrote was something i already know about Saturn. 

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Clowning around

This is my work that i have finished off before term 1 ends this is my work from Week 6, I am happy that i finished my work off 

Poppy drawing


This is why it is important to wear a poppy on Anzac day, Because it is to remember those who have represented our country.  

Monday, 12 April 2021

Anzac - Vocabulary


Today me and my class done this Anzac activity it was fun learning new vocabulary words. 

Friday, 9 April 2021

My Boat Animation

Today me and my class done this cyber smart challenge it was to make a boat animation, my boat animation only took ten minutes to do it was fun using different shapes in Google slides it was fun making my boat and waves.  

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Add and Subtract fractions and decimals

This week room 2 had to work on this maths task through out the week. We had to subtract fractions and decimals this is what i did through out this week and now i have to finish it off before the week ends. Thank you for viewing my post. 

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Jacinda coming to Pt England School


Thank you Jacinda Ardern for visiting Pt England School we'd love for you to come and visit again when you have time.