
Monday, 4 May 2020

Week 4 Identifying Triangles

 Kia Ora this week I have been in Miss Tapuke's maths class. Today i have learnt some new things like triangles have another name for them one of there names  is Acute that is all angles less than 90°


  1. Hi Letoria,

    Very informative blog post about triangles, thanks to your blog I now know a new name for Triangles, Acute:)

    Awesome blog post, keep it up:)

    Take Care,
    Masele- Mrs Tele'a Sister

  2. Talofa Letoria! I'm so happy to see you still pushing yourself in maths! I know you love learning in maths and to be learning about angles in triangles etc you must be loving! Keep up the good work Letoria, so very proud of you!

  3. Hi Letoria, Great work at doing your maths work and knowing your triangles, I love your work and how much effort you've put into this.

    Hope you're well and keep up the great work!
